miércoles, abril 26, 2006

Aspero por un dia

A Bill Foster se le pelo un cable y se pudrio todo. Resulta que el chabon estaba hasta las pelotas que lo volvieran loco y lo caguen por todos lados (ojo garcas que andan sueltos!). Un buen dia decide abandonar su auto y que se pudra todo. Al carajo, dijo. A partir de ahi, comienza su rally de aspereza. Lo mejor de todo es que el tipo ni se esforzaba, el tipo simplemente actuaba. Se ve que lo tenia dentro. Esta historia nos deja una moraleja: dentro nuestro hay un aspero esperando por liberarse (menos dentro de Chuck, Van Dan y Ton que son reputos).

Liberense asperos del mundo!

Algunas cuotas de Bill:
  • Nick: We're the same, you and me. We're the same, don't you see?
    Bill Foster: We are not the same. I'm an American and you're a sick asshole.
    Nick: Just what kind of vigilante are you?
    Bill Foster: I am not a vigilante. I am just trying to get home to my little girl's birthday party and if everyone will just stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt.

  • Bill Foster: I've passed the point of no return. Do you know what that is, Beth? That's the point in a journey where it's more difficult to go back to the beginning. It's like when those astronauts got in trouble. I don't know, somebody messed up, and they had to get them back to Earth. But they had passed the point of no return. They were on the other side of the moon and were out of contact for like hours. Everybody waited to see if a bunch of dead guys in a can would pop out the other side. Well, that's me. I'm on the other side of the moon now and everybody is going to have to wait until I pop out.
    Beth: The police are here.
    Bill Foster: Did you know, Beth, that in some South American countries it's still legal to kill your wife if she insults you?

  • Frank: Listen, what am I paying my fucking dues for? This is my golf course! If I wanna play here, I will play here. If he gets hit with my titleist, that's his fucking problem. Fore! Fore!
    [Hits ball]
    Bill Foster: [the ball barely misses his head; whips out rifle] Five! What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me with a golf ball? It's not enough you have all these beautiful acres fenced in for your little game, but you gotta kill me with a golf ball? You should have children playing here, you should have families having picnics, you should have a goddamn petting zoo. But instead you've got these stupid electric carts for you old men with nothing better to do.
    [Fires his rifle at a golf cart, causing it to roll down the hill]
    Bill Foster: Now aren't you ashamed? [after Bill shoots the golf cart, triggering Frank's heart attack]
    Bill Foster: What's wrong?
    Frank: My - heart...
    Bill Foster: Well, what can I do about it?
    Frank: Pills... get p-pills...
    Bill Foster: Where are your pills?
    [Frank points towards the cart, which has just plunged into a water hazard]
    Bill Foster: Bad news. Your little car's gonna drown. And you're gonna die, wearing that stupid hat. How does it feel?
Bueno, esas son algunas nomas, para ver las demas vayan aca cuotas asperas .

Ahorre espacio y oxigeno: mate un jipi.

garcas se cagaron en las patas de que se despierten los asperos interiores que todos tenemos dentro

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